Why you need an emergency fund

What is an emergency fund? An emergency fund is a financial safety net, offering you instant access to money when you need to cover the cost of unplanned expenses, like losing a job, unexpected travel or a medical emergency. This involves putting funds aside periodically so you can dip into this cash reserve without needing … Read more

Releasing the value in your home

Rising property prices have led many people to look for ways to unlock the increased equity in their homes so they enjoy a comfortable lifestyle in their golden years. For most of us, our homes represent the biggest or most significant portion of our wealth. But it’s an asset that can’t necessarily be realised quickly. … Read more

Dollar cost averaging: can it work for you?

Australian share prices have seen record highs in 2024 after a sluggish couple of years. The S&P ASX200 index added just under 7 per cent in the 10 months to October 31 closing at 8160.i It reached its previous all-time high of 8355 just two weeks before. So, if you were invested in an index … Read more