How to budget in 3 simple steps

Learn how to manage your money and understand where it goes. For many of us, making a budget seems like a daunting and fairly stressful task. However, a budget is an essential component of money management and can help you get a handle on your finances and plan for your future. Instead of picturing your … Read more

Get to know your super fund

When you start a job, you can usually either choose a super fund or let your employer choose for you. Understanding the basics can help you work out what kind of account you get and whether it’s right for you. If you want to choose your own — or change your account — there are … Read more

Putting recent returns into perspective

While 2021-2022 may not have been a stellar year for the majority of investors, it’s worth remembering that the worst performing asset class one year can be the best the next, and vice versa. That’s why successful investing benefits from having a good balance. The last financial year, particularly the first half of 2022, saw … Read more

Beware of the Granny Flat traps

Setting the scene Marilyn is 67 and has had enough of work. She has worked hard and raised two children on her own and she’s ready for some “me time”. Her children are now adults and live at opposite ends of Australia to her. Marilyn has sold her (big) home and has moved north to … Read more